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Saint Fiacre 25"

St Fiacre is most renowned as the patron saint of growing food and medicinal plants, sometimes more broadly referred to as simply gardening. The legend of Fiacre goes that St. Faro allowed him as much land as he might entrench in one day with a furrow; Fiacre turned up the earth with the point of his staff, toppling trees and uprooting briers and weeds. A suspicious woman hastened to tell Faro that he was being beguiled and that this was witchcraft. Faro, however, recognized that this was the work of God. 


The angel statue in each photo represents the appearance of all available finishes. Silver, gold, and bronze finishes are strictly for indoor use. The remaining fiberglass finishes are suitable for both indoor and outdoor.

Saint Fiacre 25"

وحدة SKU: 19STU87085
  • Size: 6.0"W 7.0"D 25.0"H

    Weight: 9.0 lbs

    Shipping: Due to Covid 15+ weeks 

  • Statues within a home should be blessed. They are a true outward display of devotion that dispose us to recieving more sanctifying grace. Statues were used in the bible ritually not just for decoration. They encourage us into imaginative prayer allowing us to have a greater sense of respect for who they honor.