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VII IV.  Perpetual Fasting cont'd...

to learn how to reject certain habits and replace them with spiritual ones but the idea is that they should be removed, as nothing should trump or replace your desire to seek God. You may think it is a torment to cut off something pleasurable in life, but it is an even greater torment to force yourself to abstain from something only to desperately count the days you can go back to it. That is not drawing you closer to God, that is distracting you from God. This can cause you to dread fasting. The point should be to willingly mortify the flesh and pray for the grace to do so with joy.


It can be a freeing experience once you learn how to unburden yourself from unnecessary toils. When choosing to undergo fasting as a lifelong commitment, you are truly overcoming the extraneous details of this world. To put it simply, the world is not holy, and if we are to become holy, it will require continuously stripping ourselves of habits we have been brainwashed into thinking we need. True discipleship is living in austerity, and slowly cutting off any unnecessary layers of excessive comforts outside of God.


You will also need to pull away from the idea that there will be a point of final accomplishment. This couldn't be further from the truth. We must never reach complacency. We must never be put off guard by how much we have sacrificed as we should always keep striving until the last judgment. The idea is not always to entirely eliminate the struggle—as this life of exile will constantly be about proving our loyalty to God—but to make sure the struggle never rises over our love for Him. 


In striving to become pure, people will innocently attempt to nudge you off your path and may even tell you life is meant to be ever enjoyed and God gave us earthly abundance so that we might continually bask in the delight. Except what joy is it if you prayerfully remove a personal unruly toxic element only to go back to it with haste? Remember, there is also a joy and a grace waiting to be received and earned on the other end of perseverance, hard work and suffering. Don’t let another person’s short sightedness blind you through your progress, as their spiritual journey could be far different from yours. Comparing yourself to others or even secular society can be another pitfall. Once you overcome your weaknesses, the next challenge may be to disassociate from ill-informed judgment that can send you reeling back to square zero.


Refusing to open our lives to certain types of spiritual fasting could keep us from experiencing certain depths. Life is about evolving and if we are caught up in the same habitual patterns, we will not experience any more value. When you permanently remove something that is a dependency, it may reveal another aspect of life that you don’t appreciate; but ultimately you will find something to cherish from that struggle whether its moments later or years ahead.


In drawing closer to God, you will find yourself wanting to sacrifice more. The spirit will become stronger and overcome the flesh in different ways. The goal is to want God more than anything in this material world. God is the most important sustenance for us day and night and if you have a desire to put God in second you will only fall victim to gluttony, avarice, idolatry, and other sins bred forth once these first few remain unchecked. Everything in life is connected by a small thread. Carefully comb through all details and cut off anything that can be dealt with through the mere practice of abstinence. Through our struggles there could be a greater calling for us to simplify our habits. The holy spirit is forever working in us as long as we stay true to the faith.




Things to consider for long term fasting:


Consecrate yourself daily and pray

God may provide you with the strong conviction to move forward with a fastHe could help make it easy for you within the first few days or more…

(As in little to no headaches or stomach aches)


✓ Have a meal plan ready before your fast

A week or more before you commence mentally prepare yourself. Type and go through the reasons why, when and how?

(Do not procrastinate) 


✓ Simpler foods with less flavors or ingredients

Becoming less selective prevents you from adoring your food. Choose simple foods with 1 or 2 ingredients. There are many well known saints who would restrict their daily diet to legumes or bread and avoid any kind of flavorful seasoning.


✓ Medical implications should be checked

As a way to prevent overconsumption you may change your way of eating due to medical threats. When you change your diet also check for any personal health risks that could be associated with your fasting but ultimately trust in God, as He is known to break through even the toughest of medical barriers

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...Michael will rise up,

the great leader, who stands up for the sons of your people...and at that time, your people will be saved, all who will be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will waken: some to everlasting life, and others to a reproach that they will always see. Daniel 12: 1-2

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