V. Value cont'd...
the entire space was made for the item, rather than just an open area for addition. Also, take note that nothing in a space should ever look strained or even snugged into or against another element. In other words, it should never “JUST FIT”. You may absolutely love and impulsively buy a religious item and now that it's in your home it is snugged or jammed into a small left over space with no breathing room. In a case such as this, are you really glorifying the item? Have you now added more value to this piece with how you designated it? This could include countless examples, like a grand size portrait that “just fits” but within a low ceiling room. Another is an over elaborate chandelier closely mounted in front of a crucifix, creating two competing forces. In the last example, there shouldn’t be any hassle to properly view our Lord. In a similar fashion you wouldn’t want him designated to a tiny corner within a huge expansive great room. Which brings to mind size as it relates to proportion. Another example of this can include a small wall plaque displayed on top of a massive decorative console. In this regard you are giving the console more emphasis and value than the religious article.
Use | Remember that these items are not just made to take up space. They are not typical decor pieces but are of a sacred and fruitful nature. As Catholics, we should be strongly influenced by them and moved to action. If you have a rosary collecting dust somewhere unknown in the back of your closet, and you are not using it, where is its value? Any sacramental that is not being used can lose its effect on you to receive more of God’s grace. This is why key themes have been presented in previous posts, like presence, statement, and honor because if followed, they will allow that rosary to be noticed enough for use. Another example can be a religious heirloom piece, like a used bible or perhaps a 17th century kneeler that simply settles into your surrounding. It becomes lost in whatever available background noise, until it's time to bring it up as a talking piece for visitors. If you find greater worth in something ONLY because it's hundred year age or its attachment to an ancestor, one should begin to tread carefully as this direction could lead to idolatry. Putting MORE worth into a piece because of its connection to a person, time or place rather than its tie to God can be dangerous. This can turn into a mortal sin especially because it can subtly become a pattern to where these precious items have no use other than to be collected, stored and then boasted about. This will begin to cater to pride rather than humility when standing before such items. In addition are homes aren’t museums. They are one of the most intimate places we can exist in. The third example of lost value around use can be a person who is in fact religiously engaged in all sacred things they use to draw closer to God. They feel truly anchored in their faith by these pieces. In a sense it has brought value to their life and may continue to but in some way is it possible that they could be growing comfortable or stagnant in their prayer life? Especially if they always refuse the opportunity to enhance their spiritual dwelling. With such a mindset one may inevitably close themselves off to a new appreciation, new sights of sorts and new awes. As this continues they can also allow themselves to grow comfortable with no change in other aspects of their life tied to the faith. You never know if even a small enhancement can spark just the right amount of passion to keep you that much more spiritually hydrated, as we are all human and can never have a sufficient need of God. We must be like children thirsty and searching for a new adventure that will pour into us excitement as if we were once again approaching the altar for our very first union.
It is important that with anything you are adding or subtracting within the space, you assess the overall value. As you are looking to refresh, you can think about the ways discussed above. You can also use this discernment when shopping. This can be appreciative because many times you may walk into a store so captivated by options but frustrated to make a selection. These can be ways to help you narrow down to better choices that ultimately go with the frame of your space.
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...Michael will rise up,
the great leader, who stands up for the sons of your people...and at that time, your people will be saved, all who will be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will waken: some to everlasting life, and others to a reproach that they will always see. Daniel 12: 1-2